уторак, 19. април 2011.

Teddy Bear Stuffing

As you all might know by reading our profile, Tea and I have different interests, but we both like Stuff. Words with "Stuff" in them (example: stuffing) and stuff of course. Also, you should know that this blog is a comedy blog, so we will be writing about different, and unusual stuff.

Today one of our themes is about teddy bear stuffing. It's a common thing for a teddy bears stuffing to fall out, yet the only person who really cares about it is the teddy bear owner. If somebody cares about that teddy bears owner, that someone will do anything in his might to fix that teddy bear, but they will never care about that teddy bear.
If we look from that teddy bears view, like it's a live thing, when it's stuffing falls out, it's like a part of it fell out, and if we don't fix it, the teddy bear will stay sad, and alone, because no one will use it any more. No, they'll go buy a new teddy bear, and leave this one unfixed.

So, I ask you dear followers, what is the point of bear stuffing, and what do you think
of it?


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